Mayalan •
Women Facilitators of Nuevo Horizonte •
Peten Alliance for Life and Peace •
Women Facilitators of Nuevo Horizonte
Nuevo Horizonte is a relatively new community in the Peten established in 1998 following the signing of the Peace Accords. It is made up of demobilized guerrillas and people displaced by the violence and returning from refugee camps in Mexico. They joined together and legally registered as an agricultural cooperative. Working together, their community of 400 people has managed to achieve many things collectively that would be impossible working individually. Projects owned and managed collectively by the community include:
- Eco-tourism project
- Cattle project
- Forestry project
- Fish farm project
In addition to socially and economically developing their own community, many community members are involved in social justice work regionally, in cooperation with the Peten Alliance for Life and Peace. Included in this group are the Women Facilitators of Nuevo Horizonte. These dedicated and hardworking women are currently working in 8 different communities throughout the Department of Peten, facilitating popular education workshops, organizing, mobilizing and empowering women’s groups to become more involved in community, departmental and national issues, and looking for ways to develop culturally and environmentally sustainable economies in their communities. Amicus is proud to be collaborating in this important work.
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